Saturday, 2 March 2013


Photo Club Theme: Avant Garde.... Idea 1... well, you guys will have to wait for that one, still going to do it BUT the people that I want to use for this one was a bit busy, so we'll do it later this year....

Idea 2: What about Medusa? 

Problem 1: I don't really do the snake thing very well.... but hence, Medusa it will be.
Problem 2: I need a model
Problem 3: Will I have enough time and will they like it at the photo club?

Got rubber snakes, raided my mom's PC to get a photo of a real snake for the skin and got on the phone to ask a favor of one of her friends. 

I'll have to wait and see if the judges will like the photo, but at least I got it done in time!

It took about 2 hours to get the make-up and hair done, the snakes didn't want to cooperate with us, in the end paper clips did the trick to keep them in place.

We've spend about 2 hours in the studio (TIME SAVER TIP! Use your mother the day before a shoot like this to try out various lighting techniques and mark the spots!) and I've spend a total of 8 hours on the one photograph. 

I've firs did the basic color and contrast adjustments and some airbrushing. I then started to add the snake skin to the image.

Here I've started to distort the flair into a "sun". I've also added more snake skin, merging it into Debbie's hair and neck area.

Starting to add more snakes to the image, in the next steps I've merged the snake skin over her arm and onto the snake-fingers.

A bit more of a close-up image.

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