Tuesday 13 January 2015

Baby Emma

I've been looking forward to this shoot for such a long time! After a few unforeseen circumstances it finally happened on the 10th of January. 

I finally got to meet the "voice" on the other side of the phone, a lovely lady named Erika. 

I've finally got a chance to use my new prop (some wooden birds and hearts) in combination with my pink, rusted old bathtub, exactly as I've envisioned it  when I first saw the birds. The plus, Emma LOVES birds!

So with smiles and giggles on Emma's side and lots of excitement on this photographers side we started with our shoot. How lovely when what you envision for a concept works out exactly as you thought it would!  

Though we did some family photos as well, I loved Emma's photos so much that I've decided that these would be the ones that I would share with you.

Some colour sepia photos combined with my soft focus filter made for some stunning baby photos.

My new love - selenium toned photographs worked stunning with the pearls and old hat, but they looked just as nice as colour photographs. Luckily for me, I had enough photos to play around with both edit options!

And then, for the long awaited "birdies" and bath photos!